Dominoes Pizza Day at Hogle Zoo
When Tressa and I were first married I worked as a janitor in V Hall of Deseret Towers on BYU campus. There were 6 floors in each Residence Hall and a trash room with a trash cart on each floor. One of my duties was to empty the trash carts each afternoon. During the summer of 1988 Dominoes Pizza did a promotion with Hogle Zoo and they advertised Dominoes Day at Hogle Zoo which was going to happen on a Saturday in Early September of that year. Each time you bought a Dominoes Pizza it came with a coupon attached to the pizza box lid good for one free admission to Hogle Zoo on that day. As you can imagine 6 floors of college students bought quite a bit of Dominoes Pizza and many of those empty boxes ended up in the trash carts and many of those boxes still had the coupons attached. So, I started collecting them. I didn't have to dig through the trash carts. I just took the ones that were clean and easy to grab. By the time the ...