Dominoes Pizza Day at Hogle Zoo

When Tressa and I were first married I worked as a janitor in V Hall of Deseret Towers on BYU campus.  There were 6 floors in each Residence Hall  and a trash room with a trash cart on each floor.  One of my duties was to empty the trash carts each afternoon. 

During the summer of 1988 Dominoes Pizza did a promotion with Hogle Zoo and  they advertised Dominoes Day at Hogle Zoo which was going to happen on a Saturday in Early September of that year.  Each time you bought a Dominoes Pizza it came with a coupon attached to the pizza box lid good for one free admission to Hogle Zoo on that day. As you can imagine 6 floors of college students bought quite a bit of Dominoes Pizza and many of those empty boxes ended up in the trash carts and many of those boxes still had the coupons attached.  So, I started collecting them.  I didn't have to dig through the trash carts.  I just took the ones that were clean and easy to grab.  By the time the day arrived I had about 30 of these coupons.

Tressa and I were planning to go so that took 2 coupons.  Now I just had to figure out what to do with the other 28. I had a Home Teaching family, the Olivers, with 4 little boys.  I figured they would like to go to the Zoo so I went over to their apartment the day before Dominoes Day ( I was and still am somewhat of a procrastinator) to give them some, but they weren't home.  Each apartment at Wymount Terrace had a little clipboard outside the door where people could leave notes or whatever.  I was going to leave a note with the coupons but I didn't have any paper except the coupons and I didn't want to write on them.  Then I realized that it would be fun to just leave them with no note.  It was clear what the coupons were so there was really no need for a note explaining them.  I left a bunch for other people in the Ward the same way.  I just left them on their clipboards. 

In the end I still had 4 extras when Tressa and I drove up to Hogle Zoo the next morning.  I had them with me but I was just going to leave them in the car but Tressa saw a group of teenagers in the parking lot so she took our extras and walked up to them (Tressa has always been better than me at approaching strangers) and offered them to the kids.  I think they thought she wanted money for them because they seemed hesitant but she told them "These are extras that we were going to throw away but they will get you in free today so you can use them or if you don't want them you can just throw them away."  As we walked toward the gate we heard them say "Hey it does say you can get in free today with these."  I think it also helped that there was a big banner over the gate that said Dominoes Pizza Day.

We saw the Olivers there too.  When they saw us they said "You must have found tickets on your clipboard."  Before we replied Sister Oliver told us that they were so excited to find them and how fun it was to take the boys to the Zoo.  I am so glad that they weren't home when I went to leave the tickets.  They didn't cost me anything.  I had way more than I needed.  I'm so glad that they used them.  Those 4 boys are in their 30s now.  I hope they tell stories about when they found tickets to Hogle Zoo on their clipboard when Daddy was a Grad student at BYU and they lived in Wymount Terrace.


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